Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Unguided- Nightmareland EP

The army has mobilized this past April. The army of The Unguided that is. Before i review their ep, I'd like to send a shout out to Richard Sjunnesson and Roland Johansson. They are two very brave people for doing what they've done. Roland having left Sonic Syndicate because he wanted to spend time with his family. And to Richard who followed his heart and had the bslls to quit Sonic because he didn't like the direction that the label was forcing them in. These guys and Richard's brother Roger make up a band that eptitemizes what music is about and what life is about. On to the review!

Green Eyed Demon Istrumentals:
I loved what Roger and Roland did in the intro here. He had a nice buildup that didn't bore you, and then it just exploded which was a phenomonal hook. The song was heavy on the guitars which was nice. Also the song slowed down a little in the bridge and rebuilt from the ground up. It was very well timed so it wasn't boring at all. This was well done by Roger/Roland and I have to award him a 5/5!

two words: kick ass! Richard was great with good intonation and heavy mids and nice highs. Roland got a little aggressive which I liked. He even screamed once which i liked quite a lot. I love to see Roland go into his upper register when he says "your innocence was never an excuse." this was brilliant. The one criticizm that I have is don't whisper the last chorus and let the song fall off a cliff! Use what you've already created! This song doesn't have a climax. It peaks way too early in the second chorus. I cant call that a climax. Still, I must give them a 5/5 with that one repercussion.

Overall: 5/5 and well deserved. Very nearly perfect.

Pathfinder Vocals:
In the lyrical follow up to Rebellion in Nightmareland, this song does very well. Though not nearly as heavy as its counterpart, it still has a good amount of meaning. Richard begins by screaming his lungs out in the mid-high range. I loved their decision to feature Peter Tagtgren. I think this was a brilliant contrasts in vocal range with peter's voice being lower and Richard's being higher. Roland's voice is very pure in the chorus (which is a little weird when describing a metal band). his cleans are spellbinding. I like that little part at the end about pursuing their dream because that is a true testiment to what they've done. I also liked the "you are nothing without me" at the end of the chorus. Great job to all vocalists especially Rich! 5/5!

Green Eyed Demon was deffinately a hard act for Roger/Roland to follow. He did it quite well actually. I have only one criticism to Roland; but I will save that until after the praise. It jumps right in without an intro which isn't a bad thing. It is rather a nice change. i heard a really nice baseline in there which surprised me. Props to Jonas for his session help and producing of the EP. For most of the song I think that the instrumentals were a pedestal for Richard and Roland's amazing vocals with the help of Peter. Here's my criticism: the solo seemed out of order to me. i would've liked to see the plam mutes in the beginning and build from there.This rather than jumping in immediately, palm mutes, slow down, and kick it up on the last few chords. it should've grown and become amazing or; go absolutely all out from beginning to end. Overall though it was well composed: 4/5 for them.

Overall: 4.5/5. the vocalists really made this song worthwile.

Best song: Considering that there are only 2 songs and I rated Green Eyed Demon higher I'm going to lean a bit on Green Eyed Demon.

Good buy: Since I'm one of the 616 with the limited edition shirt and cd I would say absolutely YES!

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


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